
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.02.2008.2.30-34

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Authors :
1. L. V. Saubanova, Chief Specialist on human resources management and personnel assessment
«Promzheldortrans-Servis» Ltd, Naberezhniye Chelny

Personnel ageing as one of the main problems of the Russian industrial enterprises

The domestic experience of employees' collective formation in the past was to a much extent based on the state system of personnel training, when the enterprises were provided with personnel by plan. The transition to the market economy nowadays has not resulted in the formation of a purposeful advanced system of personnel training. The generation of employees who obtained training in the Soviet period, when both the demand and training were planned, is now reaching the retirement age, and there is no trained substitution for them. This is especially true for the Russian industrial enterprises.

Keywords :

system of staff training; market economy; industrial enterprises; qualification requirements; employees' collective; personnel training

Bibliography :

1. Графический анализ качественной структуры персонала ОАО «КАМАЗ» 2003-2005 гг. -Наб. Челны: Департамент трудовых отношений и развития персонала ОАО «КАМАЗ», 2006 г.

2. Отчет о проведенном исследовании на тему «Профессиональное самоопределение выпускников городских школ». -Наб. Челны: Департамент трудовых отношений и развития персонала ОАО «КАМАЗ», 2007 г.

Citation :

Saubanova L. V. Personnel ageing as one of the main problems of the Russian industrial enterprises, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2008, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 30–34 (in Russ.).

Type of article : The scientific article

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