
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




Archive 2012

№4 (24)

Actual Problems of Economics and Law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2012.4
Publishing date : 19/12/2012
Possibility to change the ideas of corruption in the society

Bribemania as one of the causes of bribery: psychological analysis (psychological and psychotherapeutical approaches to the problem of bribery and bribemania)

On the issue of broadening the limits of anti-corruption expertise carried out by prosecutor’s office bodies of the Russian Federation

Crime cost as an indicator of public danger of the crime

Personality features of the persons with corruptive behavior

Subjective element of bribe giving and taking: criminal-legal analysis

Methodological aspects of corruption prediction

The main directions of legal regulation deevelopment in corruption counteraction in official bodies

On the issue of corruption in private sector

International norms implementation in anti-corruption legislation of Kazakhstan Republic

On corruption factors in the sphere of goods, works and services purchases on municipal level

Measures for limiting the shadow economy sphere and counteraction against organized corruption at municipal level (by example of the Prosecutor’s Office of Kazan city)

On the issue of institutionalization of corruption prevention through creating the single anti-corruption body

Issues of anticorruption policy realization in Tatarstan Republic at municipal level

On the efficiency of the USA legislation in the sphere of legal persons’ liability for corruption offences

Modern anti-corruption policy of Kazakhstan

Corruption in authorities bodies: results of expert poll

Conditions of judges’ corrupt behavior at original jurisdiction of criminal cases

Corruption counteraction in the sphere of land relations

Psychological analysis of the causes of corruption actions connected with the mistakes in human resources management

Algorythm of bribery investigation

Human capital as a criterion of social inequality of the post-industrial society

Tourist potential of the Republic of Tatarstan

Synergy of quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic development

Analysis of technological innovations management at Russian industrial enterprises: sources of financing, innovative strategy

Trends on the labor market of Nizhniy Novgorod oblast in the post-crisis period

Model of intellectual capital management at universities based on transactional approach

Institutional-structural dynamics of the sphere of debt services in post-crisis period

Tools of anti-crisis management at an enterprise under uncertainty

Features of banks’ investmemt operations

Development of innovative systems at meso-level as a key factor of forming and utilization of intellectual capital

Market dynamics of production-economic system. II. Transitions between production states. Elements of risk theory

Management of the stable development of social-economic system: institutional aspects

Innovative activity of a region under crisis (by the example of Tatarstan Republic)

Diagnosing and control of the social-economic efficiency as a direction of the modern economic analysis

Factor models as a tool of optimization of demand on a credit-deposit banking operations

Financial provision of educational systems of higher professional education

Prerequisites of forming a police state in Russia

On the system of legal means of providing entrepreneurship activity without forming the legal person

Legal issues of keeping subscriber number in the mobile radiotelephone networks

Notin and types of alienability contracts in Russia and Baltic states: Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

Interconnection of private and public law while regulating holding relations

On the civil-legal liability in the sphere of products quality provision

On the issue of creating of the contractred form of pre-trial procedure of criminal cases

Theoretical issues of proving in the aspect of specific procedure in private prosecution cases

Venture management of budget funds as a financial-legal means of providing the balanced budgeting system of the Russian Federation


Actual Problems of Economics and Law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2012.3
Publishing date : 1/9/2012
Innovative aspects in individual economic thinking: content, formation and development aspects

Russia needs structural reforming of the innovation system

Basic approaches to constructing the systemic model of property relations

Consumer profit at competitive market

Democratization of property relations and demonopolization of economy

Analysis of development strategy of Chuvash Republic till 2020

Food safety and provision of economic stability under threats of globalism

Essence of management of an enterprise production program and the role of analysis in this process

Classification of clusters in the modern economic theory

Tension of the regional labour market as the factor determining the strategy of its regulation

Foreign capital inflow structure: theoretical explanation and connection with macroeconomic indicators in the years 2008 and 2009

Analysis of international experience of institutional transformations of services sphere in the context of Russia joining WTO

Elaboration of the model of innovative management of educational process intended for adaptation to the changes in the external institutional environment

Strategic basis of economy diversification in the Republic of Kazakhstan and mechanisms of its realization

The role of agrarian sector in increasing the food security of Russia

Analysis of technological innovations management at Russian industrial enterprises: sources of financing, innovative strategy

Specific technologies of rural (agricultural) tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan

Issues and trends of innovative economy development in Russia and the USA

Model of forming competitiveness of petrochemical industry basing on progressive organizational forms of cluster approach by «pulling» system of material flow

Associations as a factor of trade development

Defining the functions of anti-crisis management of the Russian economy

Internet marketing as an element of banking business in competitive environment

Forming the technique of evaluating the efficiency of human capital investments basing on the cost management concept

Estimation of ecosystem services for the territory of Samara region

Realization of state management of the social-economic development of a region based on comparative analysis: methodological approach

Experience of creating biopharmaceutical clusters abroad and in Russian Federation regions and its applying for development of pharmaceutical sector of Tatarstan Republic

Theoretical aspects of «capital» category and issues of capital flow

Main directions of institutional overcoming of contradictions of economic interests in the system of multisubject process of anti-crisis management

Analysis of the modern state of leasing market in the Russian Federation: problems, growth indicators, prospects of development and drawbacks

On the role of financial security of banking system in the economical security of the state: methodological bases of solution

Ideas of establishing and overcoming gaps in law in the Russian juridical science of the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th cc.

Disputable issues of the criteria for differentiating the legislation sectors and object of their regulation

Forming of the institution of judicial review in civil procedure of early Armenia (slavery epoch)

Correlation of terms «juridical act» and «legal act» in Russian jurisprudence

Constitutional regulation of the USSR citizens’ right for consolidation

On the issue of the features of a corporate-legal status of a share-holder

On the issue of legal provision of food security in Russia

Objects and limits of prosecutor’s supervision over budget legislation execution

On the issue of administrative surveillance of returned convicts

The form of criminal-legal regulation as the basis of legality of criminal liability

Corruption crime: approaches to definition

Liberalization of criminal responsibility and punishment in Russia: compulsory labour instead of imprisonment

Absolute and relative tension of a personality and gradient of happiness in investigating criminal behaviour

Criminality in Russia in the mirror of political stability

Features of judicial proceedings by production on criminal cases of separate categories of persons

Liability for destroying or damaging of the monuments of history and culture by the Russian criminal law

Institution of pre-trial agreement on cooperation between the accused and the prosecutor: on the optimality of the existing procedure

Review of the official opponent of dissertation by Stebneva E.V. «An executive of Domestic Affiars bodies as a special subject of corruptional crimes: criminal-legal and criminologcal aspects», submitted as the PhD (Law) thesis for speciality 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; criminal-executive law. – Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg University of the Russian Ministry of Domestic Affairs, 2011. – 220 p.


Actual Problems of Economics and Law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2012.2
Publishing date : 1/6/2012
Transformation of needs system in modern economy

Innovative management system of economic safety provision of municipalities

Compound indicators of investment project efficiency

Features of franchising realization in large trade networks in the Russian consumer market

Modern paradigm of innovative activity efficiency and the competitiveness of Russian enterprises

Prediction of industrial enterprises development on the basis of neuronets construction (by example of Astrakhan region)

Economiс issues of development of the forest resources of a territory

On the issue of innovative activity stimulation management in some oil-processing enterprises of Russian Federation

International cooperation in the system of economic categories

Prerequisites of institutional environment development of the corporate sector in Russian economy

Systemic analysis of the controlling model at industrial enterprise

Influence ofa large-scale international sports event on the social-economic development of a host region

Forming of a mechanism of innovative-technological development of an enterprise under modernization of national economy

Techniques of estimation of corporate management efficiency

Institutional aspects of intellectual property management in innovative economy

State and directions of innovative development of industry in Russia

Theoretical foundations of management of a city economy stable development as social-economic system

Influence of the mental model of a manager of tourist entrepreneurship structure on the development of an enterprise, branch and region

Methods of evaluating the resources for regional tourism development (by example of Mari El Republic)

Predicting of life cycles of tourist services by researching their graphical models

Quality of labour resources in Russia: regional aspect

Transformations of management technologies (manipulation aspects)

Calculation of a goods competitiveness as an approach to evaluation of competitiveness oftrading networks

Predicting the taxation burden of a region with the account of investment projects

Methodological bases of accepting information-communication means in accounting

On the issue of the prosecutor’s right for legislative initiative

Mechanism of realization of disposition and sanction of the prohibitive legal norm

Legal regulation of bankruptcy in Russia in the second half of the 18th century

On the issue of correlation between self-regulation and state regulation in the Russian Federation

Gambler and non-gambler games (on the issue of legal regulation)

Some aspects of bases for occurring property rights for antiquities

Some aspects of labour law principles

On corruption and anti-corruption campaign in Russia

Formation of social compensatory mechanisms as a tool for state correction policy of the family’s criminogenic disfunctions

Russian criminal corporate victimology: notion, subject, prospects

«Jobbery» as a means of crime: the issue of court interpretation

On some features of the subject of corruption crimes

On the issue of improving criminal legislation in the sphere of counteraction against legalization of income from illegal circulation of drugs, psychothropic substances and their analogs

Criminal-legal protection of the public morals in western countries

Interference into the policy of a sovereign state as a criminological problem

Features of court investigation at lay court

Institution of pre-court agreement on cooperation of an accused with a prosecutor: on the optimal established order

On federalism and European Union

Historical aspects of creating non-nuclear zones

Semantic theory of action by Ota Weinberger

Review of a monograph by A.Ya. Grishko, A.M. Potapov. Amnesty. Pardon. Conviction. – Moscow: Universitetskaya kniga, 2010. – 288 p.

Review of an official opponent to the candidate’s thesis by A.E. Kozinov "Sufficient conditions for the treaty of liability insurance by the Russian legislation", speciality 12.00.03 – civil law, entrepreneurship law, family law, international private law


Actual Problems of Economics and Law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2012.1
Publishing date : 1/3/2012
Вектор развития системы образования в условиях модернизации экономики и социальной сферы

О формировании прогноза потребности в специалистах в сфере торговли, индустрии гостеприимства, сервиса и услуг

Анализ и оценка конкуренции на рынке розничной торговли в Республике Татарстан

Особенности визуальной идентификации гостиничных брендов

Методические подходы к оценке сравнительной конкурентоспособности продукта

Фандрайзинг как механизм привлечения внебюджетных источников финансирования автономных образовательных учреждений

Многоаспектность и единство туристского бренда города (на примере г. Казань)

Определение приоритетов управления инвестиционной привлекательностью региона и их учет в рамках реализации крупных спортивных мероприятий

Повышение инвестиционной привлекательности региона в результате подготовки и проведения крупных спортивных мероприятий

Зарубежный опыт государственно-частных партнерств и их роль в развитии образования

Формирование научно-образовательных кластеров как важнейшего элемента стратегии развития системы образования Республики Татарстан

Развитие системы высшего образования как условие социально-экономического процветания региона

Теоретические аспекты исследования интеллектуальной собственности в современных условиях

Системные проблемы внешнеторговой политики России

Определение принципов государственного антикризисного управления экономикой России

Закономерности функционирования домашних хозяйств в институциональной системе рынка

Совершенствование системы управления интегрированным объединением в условиях модернизации экономики

Инновационное развитие и модернизация региональных социально-экономических систем

Вторичное сырье как инструмент ресурсосбережения на предприятиях Республики Татарстан

Теоретические подходы к оценке качества инновационных проектов

Исторический анализ зарубежных и отечественных взглядов на управление качеством таможенных услуг

Формирование потенциала экономической безопасности многоотраслевой корпорации

Современные особенности управления проектами в сетевых образованиях в промышленном комплексе экономики

Трансакционные издержки интеллектуального капитала негосударственных вузов

Внутрифирменные институты как инструмент корпоративного управления

Системные ошибки управления в практике бюджетирования региональных газораспределительных организаций

Прогнозные показатели развития агропромышленного комплекса в системе обеспечения продовольственной безопасности

Оценка современных моделей экономического поведения хозяйствующих субъектов в РФ

Роль и развитие бюджетирования для принятия управленческих решений: отечественный и зарубежный опыт

Современная оценка и тенденции развития человеческого капитала в Республике Татарстан: вопросы теории и практики

Плюралистическая основа понятия «промышленная политика»

Ставка рефинансирования как инструмент регулирования экономической устойчивости

Микрофинансирование как инструмент финансово-кредитной системы: опыт, проблемы и перспективы развития в России

Участие государства в регулировании ипотечного жилищного кредитования

Учет амортизации и обесценения интеллектуального капитала

Особенности бухгалтерского учета расходов на создание и разработку интернет-сайта организации

Оценка надежности аудиторских доказательств, полученных из различных источников

Структура нормы права и первичные правовые средства: вопросы соотношения

Губернская реформа в России на рубеже XVIII–XIX вв.

Лес как общенародное достояние в России с 1917 г. – до вступления в силу Лесного кодекса РСФСР 1923 г.

Migration policy of Russia and CIS: comparative-legal analysis

Об органах местного самоуправления, наделенных правом участия во взаимоотношениях с органами исполнительной власти субъектов Российской Федерации (на примере Республики Татарстан)

К вопросу о системе гражданско-правовых средств воздействия на инвестиционную деятельность

О некоторых особенностях правового статуса акционера

«Антиквариат» в гражданском праве

О нормативном содержании законодательства Российской Федерации в области обеспечения качества продукции

Основания применения временного отстранения от должности

Закономерности коррупционной преступности в Приволжском федеральном округе

О правовой природе и содержании коррупционного правонарушения

Мошенничество и причинение имущественного ущерба путем обмана или злоупотребления доверием: сравнительно-правовой анализ

Освобождение от наказания в связи с изменением обстановки: необходимость или архаизм советского судебного усмотрения?

Проблемы судебного следствия по уголовным делам частного обвинения

Место совершения преступления как признак состава преступления в сфере компьютерной информации

Проституция как социально-негативное явление и ее общественная опасность

О многоэтажности преступности

Современный международно-правовой режим Северного Ледовитого океана и прибрежных морей арктических государств

Проблемы статистических оценок в туризме

Влияние территориально-производственных кластеров на уровень конкурентоспособности региональной экономики