
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




Publication rules

To publish a scientific article the author (authors) must prepare the manuscript and the accompanying forms according to the following rules.

The manuscript should be prepared in strict conformance with the rules listed in rules of registration of the materials, and the summary in accordance with the example given in the web-site (summary example).

The Editorial Board reserves the right not to review the articles prepared with violations of the Rules.

The article should be no less than 0.5 author’s sheets (20 000 characters, including spaces) and no more than 1 author’s sheet (40 000 characters).

Accompanying documents include the following:

  • Author’s profile for each author (Appendix1). It should contain the address and telephone number at the working (studying) place, as well as contact telephone number and e-mail;
  • For post-graduate students – a certificate of participation in a post-graduate course, signed by the head of an institution and sealed;
  • Application (Appendix2).
  • Consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of personal data.

The listed documents are submitted electronically at web-page. If the materials cannot be loaded to the web-page, they can be submitted to aimurzaeva@ieml.ru.

The authors guarantee that the article is an original work, and that they poseessexlusive rights for it.

Please note that all submitted articles are checked for plagiarism! 

It means that abstracts (sentences, paragraphs) of previously published research of both other scholars and the article author must be properly formatted (quoted). The exceptions are:
- well-established mathematical (statistical, econometrical) methods and approaches: theorems, axioms, explanations of mathematical formulae;
- titles and texts of normative documents, laws and regulations.

Editorial preparation

The manuscript is registered by the journal’s Executive Secretary upon receiving.

After reviewing the manuscript is returned to the author(s), if there are any criticisms from the reviewer. The amended variant should be returned to the Editorial Board not later than 5 working days after receiving it for amending. If the manuscript is not returned to the Editorial Board during this period, or it demands more than two amendments, the original date of its registration is canceled. The submission date becomes the date of the final variant submission.

After editing the manuscript is agreed with the author(s) (not more than 7 days).

After the editorial correction, the manuscript is submitted to the author(s) for approval. For the rapid and efficient publication, the authors must check and send the approved article back within 5 days. The PDF-version of the article with the author’s comments should be sent to the Editorial Board via e-mail or fax. We request the authors to desist from including large changes in the already made-up article.

Please pay attention that the sole criteria for publishing in the Journal “Actual Problems of Economics and Law” is the scientific level of the work, revealed by its reviewing. The Journal practices “double blind” reviewing, when the author does not know the reviewer, and the reviewer does not know the author.

The Editorial Board of the Journal “Actual Problems of Economics and Law” expresses gratitude to the authors for the materials submitted with the observance of the above rules.