
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




Archive 2013

№4 (28)

Actual problems of economics and law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2013.4
Publishing date : 1/12/2013
Corruption determinants in the central and east european countries

Security measures as a means of corruption prevention when financing election campaigns

Personality features of a bribetaker-addict

Corruption and anti-corruption – laws of interaction

Candidate’s election head quarters as a subject of corruption in the electoral process

Anticorruption advertising in Tatarstan republic as an informational means of corruption counteraction: issues and perspectives

Some results of anti-corruption policy implementation

Electoral corruption and model of election participation in Russia

Corruption in Russia: social consequences and features of causes

Unrestrictedness of administrative pressure on economy in the Russian legal system

Counteraction to transnational corporate corruptive crime in Great Britain

The role of state in forming the small and large-size business integration in innovative sphere

Specification of systemic object of state regulation under informatization of the russian society

Rationalization of power and business interaction under institutionally deformed economy

Analysis of the condition and evaluation of efficiency of energy audit in Russia

Venture capital in innovative economy development

Forming the concepts of knowledge management model in an organization: theoretical-methodological approach (basing on empirical research) (continue)

Economic growth in Russia: potential level and limitations

Increasing the quality of services as a tool for managing competitiveness of a hotel enterprise

Analysis of approaches to forming the industrial policy

Research of the factors of industrial growth in Russia using the production function

Depreciation as a stimulating mechanism for nature protection activity of an economic subject

Features of Russia–ASEAN economic relations in the sphere of energy carriers in the modern period: possibilities and perspectives

Educational potential of the youth as a resource of modernization

Practice of improving the financial provision for higher professional education under reforming higher education in Astrakhan oblast

Development of competition between catering enterprises in Nizhegorodskaya oblast

Developing the competitive advantages of curing-prevention establishments basing on the loyalty program

On the essence of juridical construction of civil law and its branch peculiarity

Оn the issue of the notion of federally owned landsite, as an object of disposition right

Differentiating of implementation of civil law principles in court practice, Aktual’nye problemy ekonomiki i prava

Content of legal norms’ sanctions in information-psychological approach to the research of legal phenomena

Concept of “law” in the Russian juridical discourse

Functioning of conviction consequences in time and their classification

Limits of legal liability efficiency when applying single-type punishments and awards

Social control and economic crime

Comments to the Russian Federation criminal code on indemnity: juridical nature and issue of implementation

Appeal procedure in the Russian criminal procedure: collisions of the subject and limits of control

Competitiveness and authorities of a court for sending the criminal case to a Prosecutor for eliminating obstacles in its investigation

№3 (27)

Actual problems of economics and law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2013.3
Publishing date : 1/9/2013
Institutional prerequisites of modernization of kazakhstan economy

Regulating function of the central bank as a tool of the state monetary policy

Estimation of territorial distribution of the tourist-recreational potential of Tatarstan Republic

Methods of evaluation of state innovative services’ efficiency in communications sector of Tatarstan Republic

Technical-technological and social techniques of food safety provision in customs union countries

Informational support of high quality production

Methodological issues of economic analysis at various stages of juridical persons’ reorganization

India’s experience in supporting and developing the state-private partnership

Social sphere in the budget policy of municipal bodies in post-reform Russia

Rational expectations model and possibilities to use it in management of modern airports

Forming the concepts of knowledge management model in an organization: theoretical-methodological approach (basing on empirical research)

Long-term trends of investment activity in the russian economy

In competition, municipal medical establishments lose to the private ones

Methodological approach to defining the costs level in food enterprises

Innovative technique of forming investment projects portfolios in oil extracting

«Reference quantity» of biodiversity as a factor of ensuring the steady economical-ecological development of the territory

The new view at the managerial model of the social-economic system innovative development

Conceptual model of interaction between project management elements of industrial enterprises’ development

Anti-crisis management of the Russian: institutional approach

Energy-efficient technologies as a priority of innovative development of oil and gas complex

Industrial integration of Russia and Ukraine under global competition

Methodological aspects of processes development in organizations

Attempts to explain the “Asia’s miracle” by factor theory. The role of educational expenses

Analysis of new recommendations of basel committee on banking supervision

Controlling function of a tax in interconnection with its other functions

General characteristics of legal limitations in civil-legal regulation of insurance activity and their classification

On the issue of juridical construction of consensual and real contract

Iissues of shortened inquest procedure in the russian criminal procedure

Normative confirmation of the forms of practice-oriented approach in the sphere of higher juridical education as an element of legal regulation mechanism of educational relations

Zemstvo elections in Poltava guberniya in 1865–1889

Corruption in the sphere of Russian entrepreneurship

Search for criminal-legal strategy of counteraction against the specially dangerous recurrent criminality in modern Russia

Crimes in the sphere of telecommunications and computer information as a threat to the national security of the country

Interaction of state power bodies and local self-government bodies of Tatarstan Republic with civil society institutions on the issues of anticorruption policy and financial control implementation

Germany and Russia: building the future together (on the results of the work of International scientific-practical forum within the Year of Germany in Russia 2012/13)

№2 (26)

Actual problems of economics and law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2013.2
Publishing date : 1/6/2013
Laws of consumption under social-economic transformation

Regional tourism as a tool of territory development

Economic monitoring of financial-economic activity of federal state orthopedic enterprises and measures for increasing its efficiency

Processes of creation of institutional field of services market

Forming the model of efficiency estimation of transactional costs in educational sphere

The model of industrial-innovative development: methodology, objective conditions and prerequisites (on the example of Kazakhstan Republic)

National priorities and problems of food provision of the population

Connection of dwelling quality with the social-economic features of the people living in it

Anti-crisis potential of innovative enterprises

On the issue of increasing the efficiency of municipal units: experience of Al’metyevsk

Russian historiography on the role of entrepreneurship in trade-production development of Kazan in post-reform period (continued)

Features of financial policy at the modern stage in the context of the russian economy modernization

Conceptual presentation of the notion«risk management in production quality provision» for an industrial enterprise

Innovative technologies in oil industry: intellectual equipment of wells

Elaborating recommendations for improving the institutional environment of the Russian Federation education system

Methodological features of efficiency management of trading centers

Topical issues of quality management in health care

Evaluation of the adequacy of scientific sector financing directions to the scientific-technical development priorities proclaimed by the state

Methodological platform of research of the interdependent system “competitiveness – safety”

Crediting of interdependent borrowers as a factor of risk concentration of crediting portfolio

Features of bank insurance in Russia: protection of interests of complex financial services consumers

Insurance as a tool of social protection of workers in the system of corporate social ­responsibility

Making economic decisions basing on the information about costs and results of value chains

Africa: economic growth in spite of political instability

Participants of juridical argumentation

Judicial error as the basis for judicial act revocation and its legal impact in determining the breach of right for fair trial

Problems of classification of juridical terminology

Conception of normative legal acts legality and its reflection in regional legislation

Contract with participation of entrepreneurs: notion and legal essence

Features of public enterprise as one of the types of a joint-stock company

Civil-legal liability of a carrier in transportation process

Compensation of moral harm during improper mеdical aid in Russia and abroad

On improving the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy) of a citizen

Criminality of migrants-foreigners and its peculiar features

Conceptual power and anticorruption movement in the country

Limiting corpus delicti of acquisition or distributing property scienter obtained by illegal means from corpus delicti of legalization (laundering) of money or other property acquired by other people by illegal means (Art. 174 of the Russian Criminal Code)

Punishment efficiency: results of international research

The issue of improving the criminal-legal construction of a serious crime (in the context of the Russia’s international-legal obligations relating to struggle with organized crime)

Establishing criminological laws of criminality in Ukraine using correlation and regression analysis

Evidential significance of examination in jury trial

Issues of the completeness of the subject of circumstances in proof in the theory and practice of the criminal procedure

Investigation-court actions: problems of regulation

Mechanism of tax-payer’s liability in realization of the business goal doctrine

Protection of the citizens’ social rights in the sphere of budget financing by Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation

Subjective procedural rights in the mechanism of arbitral procedural regulation

№1 (25)

Actual Problems of Economics and Law (APEL)

ISSN 1993-047X (PRINT)
ISSN 2410-0390 (ONLINE)
DOI : 10.21202/1993-047X.2013.1
Publishing date : 1/3/2013
Factors of ensuring economic growth

Human factor in the russian economic cycle

Economic content of shareholders’ property: alternative interpretations

Strategic requirements for managing middle class industrial enterprises in innovative economy

Modernization of power branch taking into account ecological requirements

Self-regulation in the sphere of production and marketing of rehabilitation means: opportunities and prospects

The internal balance of the eu new member states during the financial and economic crisis: a case study of the importance of foreign capital inflow structure

Strategic management of an enterprise steady development

Economics of population welfare under innovative vector of development in Russia

Transactional costs of rational nutrition: comparing neoclassical and institutional approaches

Corporate raids and small business

Peculiarity of social tourism development in the Russian Federation

Russian historiography on the role of entrepreneurship in trade-production development of kazan in post-reform period

Basic aspects of management concept

Social status of a market (reflections of an economist)

Estimation of economic efficiency of systems of projects realization monitoring

Politicy as a tool of strategic planning of corporations activity

Methods of inventory turnover management at car service enterprise based on statistical time-series analysis

Strategic management in multi-profile medical centre

Approaches and methods of analysis of the influence of international transportation-logistics systems on the social-economic development of a region

Formation of the program and estimation of improvement of logistic system

Prerequisites and directions of integration in russian education

Theoretical and practical aspects of risks management in the sphere of production quality provision at industrial enterprises

Economical-mathematical models as a tool of solving practical tasks

Modern estimation and trends of human capital development in Tatarstan Republic: issues of theory and practice

Comparative estimation of audit evidences efficiency when grounding the decision of auditor procedures modification

Elaboration of the process of managerial accounting system and managerial reporting system formation in an organization

Client’s rating as an informational base of debtor debts management

Features of added value tax calculation in taxation system for agrarian producers

Features of territory budget risks and ways of their minimization

Model of competitiveness management of functional industrial cluster

Evaluation notions and categories in the russian law

Joint-stock agreement as a legal means of a shareholder’s legal personality realization

Essence of civil-legal mechanism of acquisition and cessation of municipal property right for land

On the issue of differences in property right content in the Russian Federation and in Baltic states

Notion and subjects of warranty relations in international private law

Cessation of license in the sphere of fuel-power complex of Ukraine

Social essence of constitutional right for lodgment in the Russian Federation

Problems of distinguishing a bribe from a present in russia and abroad: practice and trend

Criminal liability for assistance to terrorist act by legislation of ukraine and Russian Federation: comparative analysis

Corruption and psychosocial dissonance in academic-professional activity

Correlation of criminogenic and corruption factors in the scientific expertise of drafts of normative legal acts

Investigating the dependence of capital punishment on homicide on earth at the end of the first decade of xxi c with the criteria of chi square (χ2) test

Information about corruption crimes: prospects of improving with the account of foreign experience

On the principles of corruption counteraction

Legislative formation of the bases of harm indemnification iilegally imposed by the state during criminal prosecution in the russian empire period

Features of court procedure of criminal cases with pre-trial cooperation agreement

Review оf official opponent of candidate’s thesis by А.S. Shuiskiy «Terrorist acts counteraction by criminal-legal norms with double prevention»

Human factor in the russian economic cycle