
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.3.39-46

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Authors :
1. Aleksandr N. Asanov, PhD (Economics)

Informational support of high quality production

Objective: to ground the mechanism of informational support of high quality production preceding the formation of innovative management systems at Russian organizations aimed at quality production.
Method: abstract-logical.
Results: the detailed mechanism of informational support of high quality production is designed, which should precede and promote the formation of innovative management systems at Russian organizations aimed at quality production.
Scientific novelty: informational-personnel centre for quality is designed, which should contain the sector of support of high quality production. Organizational structure and functional technique of the sector are suggested, its tasks and functions are defined.
Practical value: the possibility to form efficient innovative management systems at Russian organizations aimed at quality production, leading to higher living standards and well-being of the population.

Keywords :

informational support; quality production; innovative management systems; informational-personnel centre for quality

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article