
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.1.163-179

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Authors :
1. Roman V. Gornev, post-graduate student
Mari El State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

Some aspects of public associations’ participation in implementing public control at municipal level

Objective: to clarify the status of public associations as subjects of public control, and to analyze the problems of participation of citizens ' associations in conducting public expertise and public audits.

Methods: the methodology of research includes general scientific methods, such as dialectic method. Specific jurisprudence methods of scientific cognition have also been used. Systematic method was used for the analysis of forms of public control by citizens' associations at the municipal level. The principle of scientific objectivity has allowed for a comprehensive and objective analysis of the factual material, the totality of factors affecting the interaction of public associations with local authorities in the implementation of public control. The formal-legal method allowed to analyze the normative-legal acts, to reveal the signs of fixing of such public control forms as public expertise and public audit. In the present study other research methods were also applied, allowing to study the theme in detail.

Results: the study identified the lack of legal regulation of the legal status of public associations as subjects of public control, as well as some forms of public control. The additions to the list of subjects of public control by public associations were proposed, as well as improvements in the implementation of public expertise and public audit by the citizens' associations as forms of social control.

Scientific novelty: the author found a lack of regulation of public associations’ participation in some forms of social control, and justified proposals for their improvement from a scientific point of view.

Practical significance: the possibility to apply the research results in legislative activity aimed at improving the provisions of the Federal Laws "On fundamentals of public control in the Russian Federation" and "On the general principles of local self-government organization in the Russian Federation". In addition, the findings can be used in research and law enforcement practice.

Keywords :

Constitutional law; Civil society; Public association; Public expertise; Public audit; Local authorities; Subjects of public control

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Citation :

Gornev R. V. Some aspects of public associations’ participation in implementing public control at municipal level, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2016, No. 1, pp. 163–169.

Type of article : The scientific article

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