
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.4.1753-1766

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Authors :
1. Ruslan A. Grigoryev, PhD in Economics (UK), Deputy director at Scientific-Research Institute
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)

2. Natalya S. Seliverstova, PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory
Kazan (Volga) Federal University

3. Asiya V. Timiryasova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Rector
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)

4. Lyudmila B. Shabanova, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)

Impact of institutional factors on forming a social capital of commercial, state and municipal organizations

Objective: to describe the structure of social capital and the influence of institutional factors on its formation in the framework of the concept of atomism.

Methods: abstract-logical and dialectical methods.

Results: the key link of social capital networks is considered to be a person as an atom, the primary subject, who is the owner and user of social capital. The main structural elements of a person as an atom of social capital are highlighted in terms of their interactions with other economic subjects.

Scientific novelty: the notion of the atom of social capital is introduced; by describing the key areas of human interactions with other people (exchanging benefits through transactions and changes in the level of trust after each episode of interaction), the following structural elements of social capital were allocated: 1) personality characteristics related to nationality, citizenship, and religion; 2) ancestral and family ties; 3) needs, characteristics of labor activity, property relations, in which people are involved. It is shown that the process of social capital accumulation is limited by formal and informal rules in the form of an institutional environment in which a person lives and works as an atom of social capital.

Practical significance: the presented vision of social capital will reduce the level of uncertainty for economic subjects in terms of building interactions with counterparties. The results of the article can be used in the formation of state policy in relation to commercial, state and municipal organizations.

Keywords :

Social capital; Networks; Atom of social capital; Trust; Institutional environment; Transactions; Economic relations; Commercial, state and municipal organizations

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Citation :

Grigoryev R. A., Seliverstova N. S., Timiryasova A. V., Shabanova L. B. Impact of institutional factors on forming a social capital of commercial, state and municipal organizations, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2019, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1753–1766 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.4.1753-1766

Type of article : The scientific article

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