
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.3.1461-1472

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Authors :
1. Gennadiy Nikolayevich Gorshenkov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law; Honored Vice President; Honored Professor
Nizhniy Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevskiy; Russian Criminological Association; Saint Petersburg International Criminological Club

Review of a tutorial by P. A. Kabanov, R. R. Magizov “Criminological reflections оn victimology”

Objective: to evaluate the authors’ complex system of views on the victimological aspect of modern criminology through the prism of critical perception of the reviewer.

Methods: dialectic method and systemic (and synergetic, extinguished from it) approaches as a universal methodological basis for research and general scientific methods of analytical study of the work (analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison, abstraction, modeling, etc.).

Results: the article presents an analytical review of the author’s research of the branch criminological theory addressed to the study of the crime victim with an emphasis on certain key aspects. The victim of crime is interpreted as a physical or legal person who, as a result of a crime, suffered direct or indirect physical, material (property) or moral harm or their business (professional) and/or political reputation was undermined. In the work, the notion of a victim refers to a narrower circle of individuals, that is, only those who suffered the harm directly caused by a crime. The review notes the relevance of the work, meeting the needs of modern criminological science and practice, and the scientific and practical importance of the material systematized by the authors, providing important scientific ideas in the major fields or promising directions of developing victimology as a branch of criminology. The article assesses the provisions on victim as the main category of victimology, classification of victims, personal and non-personal factors of victimization, as well as the priority areas in which the authors see the development of criminological victimology. Corrections of definitions of some basic concepts, new aspects of the investigated problem are offered.

Scientific novelty: the paper presents for the first time a problematic view of victimology as one of the main aspects of criminological science and its promising areas of scientific research.

Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific, pedagogical and law enforcement activities in the consideration and study of issues related to the improvement of crime prevention, especially law enforcement activity, and the relevant branch of criminological science.

Keywords :

Victimology; Victimologist; Victimization; Victim prevention; Crime victim; Situation; Defence; Classification; Factor; Victimization effect; Victimology area of studies

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Citation :

Gorshenkov G. N. Review of a tutorial by P. A. Kabanov, R. R. Magizov “Criminological reflections оn victimology”, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2019, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1461–1472 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.3.1461-1472

Type of article : The scientific article

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