
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.11.2017.4.5-22

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Authors :
1. Pavel A. Kabanov, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminology
Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Russian Federation

Victimological anti-corruption consulting: legal regulation, notion, content, forms and means of implementation

Objective: to disclose the content of victimological anti-corruption consulting as a special type of professional activity aimed at anti-corruption enlightenment.

Methods: the dialectic approach to cognition of social phenomena predetermined the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods.

Results: the bases of legal regulation of victimological anti-corruption consulting at regional and municipal levels in some Russian Federation subjects are described. The scientific legal definition of “victimological anti-corruption consulting”, as one of the main forms of anti-corruption enlightenment, is developed and proposed. The most common types of victimological anti-corruption consulting (formal, informal and doctrinal) are identified, described and explained. The basic forms and means of victimological anti-corruption consulting at public authorities, organizations and institutions are defined. The measures are proposed to improve the legal regulation of victimological anti-corruption consulting at regional, departmental, municipal and local levels.

Scientific novelty: for the first time in the Russian criminological science, the term “victimological anti-corruption consulting” was introduced; its contents is explained, the legal bases of this kind of anti-corruption enlightenment are found and described.

Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific, educational, lawenforcement and legislative activity.

Keywords :

Dialectics of corruption counteraction; Corruption; Victim; Victim of corruption; Victimology of corruption; Corruption counteraction; Prevention of corruption; Anti-corruption enlightenment; Anti-corruption consulting

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Citation :

Kabanov P. A. Victimological anti-corruption consulting: legal regulation, notion, content, forms and means of implementation, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2017, vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 5–22 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.

Type of article : The scientific article

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