
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.01.2007.1.108-112

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Authors :
1. M. V. Bayteeva, PhD (Law), Assistant Professor
Kazan branch of Vladimir Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Normative ideas of personal rightsand freedoms in modern society

The article views the ethical-law aspects of justification of the personal boundaries in the modern society. It analyzes various scientific approaches of lawyers and philosophers to the problems of correlation between the interests of personality and state, as well as their development prospects in the society.

Keywords :

personal freedom; modern society; personality; state; human rights realization, human rights norms

Bibliography :

1. R.Zippelius. Rechtsphilosophie. -Munchen: C.H. Beck, 2003. -S. 186.

2. Fichte J.G.Grundlage des Naturrechts, 1796. -§ 8.

3. G. Jellinek. Das System der subjektiven offentlicshen Rechte. -Tubingen, 1995. -S.110.

4. T. Marshall. Bьrgerrechte und soziale Klassen. -Frankfurt/M, 1992.

5. R. Alexy. Theorie der Grundrechte. -Frankfurt/M, 1994.

6. J.F. Lyotard. Der Widerstreit. -Munchen, 1989.

7. Коркунов Н.М. Лекции по общей теории права. -СПб.: Юридический центр Пресс, 2003. -С. 318.

8. Ch. Horn. Einfuhrung in die Politische Philosophie. -Darmstadt.: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003. -S.91.

9. I. Berlin. Two Concepts of Liberty//Four Essays on Liberty. -Oxford, 1969.

Citation :

Bayteeva M. V. Normative ideas of personal rightsand freedoms in modern society, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2007, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 108–112 (in Russ.).

Type of article : The scientific article

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