
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.01.2007.3.11-17

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Authors :
1. M. B. Demin, PhD (Economics), Assistant Professor
Kazan State Technical University n.a. A.N.Tupolev

Theoretical-methodological and practical issues of realization of the monopolism modification relations in the modern Russian economy

The article is devoted to the research of theoretical-methodological and practical issues of realization of the monopolism modification relations in economy. It explains the basic innovations of the Law On competition support of 26.07.06 and their influence on the legislative practice. It presents conclusions of theoretical-methodological value concerning the monopolism transformation relations system and its key sub-system - state regulation of these relations.

Keywords :

transformation; monopolism; system; sub-system; state regulation; competition; anti-monopoly regulation; anti-monopoly body

Bibliography :

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Citation :

Demin M. B. Theoretical-methodological and practical issues of realization of the monopolism modification relations in the modern Russian economy, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2007, vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 11–17 (in Russ.).

Type of article : The scientific article

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