
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.03.2009.2.197-200

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Authors :
1. A. A. Ismanzhnov, PhD (Law), Assistant Professor
Kyrgyz-Uzbek University, Osh

The concept of law regulation of protective information and the problems of its evolution

The article views the problem of reticence of the protective information concept in CIS legislation and juridical science. The author suggests ways of its widening by means of legal regulation of the new informational objects of law. The research is aimed at establishing the objective pluralism of the objects of law, which is necessary for the unimpeded development of information industry.


Keywords :

protective information, informational object of law, information industry, copyright, property right for information, informational product

Bibliography :

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Type of article : The scientific article

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