
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.03.2009.2.12-17

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Authors :
1. R. A. Burganov, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor
Kazan Institute (branch) of the Russian State University for Trade and Economics

Экономика и право: вместе или раздельно?

The article views the issues of interaction between the theories of economics and law. The author pays attention to the necessity of studying the integral sciences, and highlights the theoretical grounds for the «economics-law» symbiosis, as well as for its influence on the social progress. The examined issues include the analysis of the economics and law dependence upon the political and economic situations, of the differences between economic and juridical laws, of the application of the marginal data for crime punishing and prevention, of the law system as the public capital, of the role of time lags in economics and law, and R. Coase’s doctrine of proprietary rights.

Keywords :

 interrelation between economics and law, economic theories of law, economic laws, juridical laws, marginal costs, marginal benefits, time lags, theory of proprietary rights

Bibliography :

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article

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