
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.4.100-105

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Authors :
1. Viktor A. Mal’gin, doctor of economics, professor
Kazan (Volga region) federal university, Kazan, Russia

Rationalization of power and business interaction under institutionally deformed economy

Objective: to analyze the power and business interaction under institutionally deformed economy and to elaborate the ways of its rationalization.
Methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as statistical-and abstract-logical methods.
Results: economic institutions are revealed, ensuring the rationalization of power and business interaction under institutionally deformed economy: a) legal institutions; b) regulating institutions; c) coordination and risk distribution institutions.
Scientific novelty: institutions are classified which rationalize the power and business interaction by various criteria. Institutions are revealed which  inhibit the development of power and business interaction processes in investment economy: a) lack of public expertise procedure of the normative-legal acts drafts; b) representatives of business community do not take part in the work of regional companies, councils, working groups, etc.; c) treaties are not signed between ministries and public unities of entrepreneurs, etc.
Practical value: proposed measures for rationalization of the power and business interaction under institutionally deformed economy will promote the successful implementation of entrepreneurship potential of each individual.

Keywords :

power; business; institutions; institutional transformations; institutionally-deformed economy

Bibliography :

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Citation :