
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.4.25-31

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Authors :
1. Gennadiy N. Gorshenkov, doctor of law, professor
Nizhniy Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevskiy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Corruption and anti-corruption – laws of interaction

Objective: to prove the necessity and advantage of methodological reflection over the complex links between the subject and object of corruption counteraction.
Methods: general dialectic method of cognition, systemic and synergetic approaches.
Results: basing on synergetic analysis of the two interacting systems – corruption and anti-corruption – the laws are stated and researched concerning the formation and development of (sympathetic and antipathetic) relations between the systems. The obtained knowledge is of methodological significance for elaborating the anti-corruption policy elaboration.
Scientific novelty: reflection over the process of corruption counteraction from a new, synergetic viewpoint allows to reveal the laws of the process, which will enable, first, to research at a deeper level the complex social-legal problem of corruption; second, to form the most optimal variants of the basic conceptual provisions of the highest level of the state managerial influence on corruption; third, to ensure the objective character of the activity programming under the actual regional conditions.
Practical value: the possibilities to form the scientifically grounded concept of the real policy under the actual regional conditions and forming the practical activity under ambiguous (corruptive and anti-corruptive) relations.

Keywords :

interaction; antagonistic and solidarity (energies); counteraction; uncompromising (struggle); two-polar linear (mind); intolerance; dysfunctional effect; initiating effect; compromise; anti-criminal policy

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