
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.3.28-33

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Authors :
1. O. V. Pachkova, Seniour Lecturer
Kazan branch of Non-state Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship at Moscow Government»

Using the model of the overall creative prosperity for estimation of the informative type of economic growth

The article presents comparative analysis of productive function in traditional macroeconomics and informative macroeconomics. The stable relation between GDP per capita and life longevity is proved for 216 countries. The overall creative prosperity for the Russian Federation federal districts and the Tatarstan Republic in 2002 is calculated and the author’s comparative analysis is presented, containing the indicators of GDP for every district.
It is proved that the calculations require detailed statistical data on the educational level and life longevity, which can be obtained through the national population census only.


Keywords :

 information, informative macroeconomics, overall creative prosperity, informative type of economic growth, cost interpretation, creative criterion, internal regional product, economic prosperity

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Type of article : The scientific article

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