
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.4.206-214

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Authors :
1. Aneliya I. Zainagutdinova, Post-graduate student
Russian Economics University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia

Modern state and prospects of multilateral trade negotiations of Doha round

Objective: basing on the study of multilateral trade negotiations of Doha Round in the integrity of their historical development, to reveal the contradictions, problems, and possible
result of the negotiation process.

Methods: analysis and synthesis, dialectic method, historical method, logical method, systemic analysis.

Results: the main stages, condition and development of Doha Round of negotiations are viewed. The main problems are defined, as well as obstacles to economically beneficial outcome of the Doha Round, the positive and negative practice of international negotiations. The chronology and structure of Doha Round of international negotiations are presented.

Scientific novelty: economic conditions are revealed for the Russia's adaptation to development within World Trading System (WTS), as well as the problems of negotiation process in the structure of Doha Round,, which make up the theoretical basis for forming the program of the Russian economy adaptation for the integration into WTO.

Practical value: the research results can be used by the state authority bodies as a basis for elaborating and implementation of the strategy of the Russian economy adaptation for the integration into WTO.

Keywords :

World Trade Organization; Doha Round of negotiations; Contradictions; Agriculture; Liabilities; Agreement on Trade Promotion; Chronology of international negotiations; “Bali package” of agreement; International Trade Organization; Goods and services markets

Bibliography :

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Citation :

Zainagutdinova A.I. Modern state and prospects of multilateral trade negotiations of Doha round, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, No. 4 (32), pp. 206–214.

Type of article : The scientific article

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