
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.2.164-169

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Authors :
1. Konstantin V. Kargin, PhD (Law), associate professor
Nizhniy Novgorod law academy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Participants of juridical argumentation

Objective: To formulate the author’s definition of the notion “participants of juridical argumentation” and to view their composition.
Methods: The methodological basis of the research is general dialectical method of cognition, as well as the logical, systemic, comparative and other methods of scientific research.
Results: Basing on the carried out analysis of the composition of participants of juridical argumentation, the author has grounded the opinion of distinguishing the notion “participant of juridical argumentation” from “subject of juridical argumentation”, and of viewing the subject as one of the participants of juridical argumentation along with the addressee and other participants.
Scientific novelty: For the first time in juridical science the composition of participants of juridical argumentation is viewed, specific features characterizing the subject, addressee and other participants of juridical argumentation are revealed and analyzed.
Practical value: The theoretical provisions formulated in the research can be used in scientific, law-making and law enforcement activity, in educational process of higher professional educational institutions of juridical profile, in qualification improvement of scientific-educational personnel in the sphere of jurisprudence.

Keywords :

juridical argumentation; participants of juridical argumentation; subject of juridical argumentation; addressee of juridical argumentation; legal position; legal argument

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article