
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.2.147-151

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Authors :
1. Sergey V. Cherepanov, post-graduate student
Tyumen’ state university, Tyumen’, Russia

Insurance as a tool of social protection of workers in the system of corporate social ­responsibility

Objective: to define and ground the ways of improving the workers’ spcial protection in the system of corporate social responsibility.
Methods: general scientific approaches and scientific cognition methods are applied.
Results: Basing on the analysis pf the main directions of using insurance for the social protection of working population, the necessity is proved to imtroduce changes in this sphere; main approaches and initiatives for improving the social insurance system are proposed.
Scientific novelty: The author suggests forming the social protection system imRussia on insurance rinciples. The insurance aspects in the system of corporate social responsibility are marked.
Practical value: Realization of the proposed measures will allow to significantly increase the efficiency and transparency of the social insurance system in Russia, and to optimize the expenses on social protection.

Keywords :

corporate social responsibility; social protection; social insurance; pensioninsurance; medical insurance

Bibliography :

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article