
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.4.67-75

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Authors :
1. Vladimir V. Sverchkov, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor
Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Topical issues of corruption counteraction

Objective: to give answers to the topical issues of corruption counteraction.

Methods: the methodological basis of research is the overall dialectic method of cognition, as well as general scientific, special and private methods of research.

Results: basing on the analysis and summarizing of results of investigative-court practice, legislation provisions and criminal law doctrine, the features of the following are shown: а) defining the object and revealing the subjective signs of bribery; б) stating the fact of bribe extortion, promising/offering mediation in bribery.

Scientific novelty: The answers have been found for the topical questions of corruption counteraction.

Practical value: The results of the carried out research can be used in scientific, law-making and law-enforcement activity, in the educational process of juridical universities and faculties.

Keywords :

Corruption; crimes against state power; Crimes against interests of state service; Crimes against interests of local service; Bribery; Corruption counteraction; Subjective signs of bribery; Extortion; Bribes

Bibliography :

1. Chistyakov, O.I. Rossiiskoe zakonodatel'stvo X–XX vv.: v 9 t. T. 1: Zakonodatel'stvo Drevnei Rusi (Russian legislation of the Xth–XXthcc. in 9 vol. Vol. 1: Legislation of the Ancient Rus’). Moscow: Yurid. lit., 1984, 432 p.
2. Chistyakov, O.I. Rossiiskoe zakonodatel'stvo X–XX vv.: v 9 t. T. 2: Zakonodatel'stvo perioda obrazovaniya i ukrepleniya Russkogo tsentralizovannogo gosudarstva (Russian legislation of the Xth–XXthcc.: in 9 vol. Vol. 2: Legislation of the period of forming and strengthening of the Russian centralized state). Moscow: Yurid. lit., 1985, 520 p.
3. Sharov, A. Prokurorskoe preduprezhdenie (Prosecutor’s warning). Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2009, no. 1, pp. 12.

Citation :

Sverchkov V.V. Topical issues of corruption counteraction, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, No. 4 (32), pp. 67–75.

Type of article : The scientific article

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