
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.4.61-66

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Authors :
1. Azer B. Mardanov, PhD (Law), Leading Law Consultant
"Sberbank of Russia" Public Corporation, Nefteyugansk, Russia

Comparative-criminological research of personality of corruption criminals, convicted for bribery and commercial subornation

Objective: to analyze and compare the social-demographic and criminal-legal features of personality of a criminal, who committed commercial subornation and personality of a criminal, who committed crimes specified in Art. 290, 291 of the Russian Criminal Code.

Metods: dialectic methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes, methods of systemic analysis and synthesis.

Results: When comparing the personalities of those convicted for commercial subornation and for giving and taking bribes, such common features were revealed as social-demographic, moral-psychological and criminal-legal ones. The study of personality features of corruption criminals convicted for commercial subornation and for bribery gives prerequisites for purposeful study of such persons, in order to reveal such features which would serve as a reliable indicator of the risk of committing this crime by the person.

Scientific novelty: The author for the first time compared the social-demographic features of personality of a criminal who committed commercial subornation and personality of a criminal, who committed crimes specified in Art. 290, 291 of the Russian Criminal Code, thus revealing the common characteristic criminologically significant features of the persons of this category.

Practical value: Basing on the obtained conclusions, theoretical provisions are formulated, which broaden the existing scientific knowledge about the personality of these categories of criminals. These provisions can promote further scientific research of the personalities of criminals who committed commercial subornation and of those convicted for giving and taking bribes.

Keywords :

Criminality; Personality of a criminal; Commercial subornation; Bribe giving; Bribe taking; Bribery; Corruption; Social-demographic features of a personality; Civil society; Criminal activity

Bibliography :

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Citation :

Mardanov A.B. Comparative-criminological research of personality of corruption criminals, convicted for bribery and commercial subornation, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, No. 4 (32), рр. 61–66.

Type of article : The scientific article

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