
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.4.52-60

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Authors :
1. Dmitriy V. Manushin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan), Russia

Administrative barriers in the Russian economy as the conditions promoting corruption, and measures for their elimination

Objective: to reveal the main administrative barriers of the Russian economy, occurring in economic activity, to evaluate their interdependence with corruption and elaboration of counter measures.

Method: abstract-logic.

Results: It is proved that the methods of struggle against administrative barriers, existing in our country, do not significantly improve the condition of Russian organizations. The notion of "administrative barrier" is given. The sectors having the most of these barriers are listed. The current condition in the sphere of administrative barriers regulation is disposed, their interaction with corruption is shown. The author proposes measures in this field.

Scientific novelty: the new detailed measures are proposed for overcoming the administrative barriers in the Russian economy. The mechanism of struggle against corruptive officials is elaborated.

Practical value: The result should be to clear the Russian economy from majority of administrative barriers, to see new firms in the market, reduce the cost of their services and to activate competition.

Keywords :

Administrative barrier; Corruption; Russian economy; Measures against administrative barriers; Development of entrepreneurship; Small and middle business; State regulation

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Citation :

Manushin D.V. Administrative barriers in the Russian economy as the conditions promoting corruption, and
measures for their elimination, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, No. 4 (32), рр. 52–60.

Type of article : The scientific article

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