
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.1.193-199

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Authors :
1. Anastasia Vladimirovna Moryakova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Volga Region State University of Service, Togliatti, Russia

Implementation of the management potential in improving the quality of services: ranking priority areas

Objective: to cover the theoretical and to develop methodological bases for research and rankings of priority directions of services quality improvement by means of assessment of an enterprise management potential to achieve its complete implementation.

Methods: general scientific methods (analog method, the method of comparative assessments, integrated approach to the analysis of research problem), methods of fundamental sciences (method of empirical generalizations, method of causality investigation) and methods to ensure the development of means to increase the services quality and cost-effectiveness on the basis of assessing the level of implementation of the management potential of the investigated enterprise (method of alternatives, methods of rating, structuring method, measurement method, grouping method, method of peer review).

Results: the ranking was carried out of the directions for improving services quality; the level was determined of management potential realization in the field of high quality services, based on the expert evaluation in order to enhance the economic efficiency of management in providing services.

Scientific novelty: ranking of priority directions of management potential implementation to improve the quality of services, which will allow to explore alternative means economic productivity growth of services provision management at service enterprises.

Practical value: the methodology proposed in the work makes certain contribution to the development of directions for increasing the productivity of management in service enterprises and enhancing measures for the most rational and complete implementation of their management potential. The area of application of work results is defined by the possibility to use the materials for the further scientific and methodological developments in the sphere of service management. Ranking of priority directions of management potential implementation to improve the quality of services allows to explore alternative means economic productivity growth of services provision management at service enterprises.

Keywords :

Service; Quality of service; Provision of services; Management potential; Expert evaluation; service enterprise; Organizational culture; Economic efficiency

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Citation :

Moryakova A.V. Implementation of the management potential in improving the quality of services: ranking priority areas, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, No. 1 (33), pp. 193–199.

Type of article : The scientific article

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