
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.1.179-186

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Authors :
1. Oksana Konstantinovna Korobkova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Khabarovsk Academy of Economics and Law, Khabarovsk, Russia

Problems of improving medical services in the rural areas of the Russian regions

Objective: to reveal the problems in medical services rendering in the rural areas of the Russian regions and to elaborate the directions for their solutions.

Methods: descriptive method and economic-statistical method.

Results: problems in rendering medical aid to the patients from rural areas are revealed. Stages of rendering medical aid to the patients from rural and remote areas are shown, which consist of 3 levels: 3rd level – outpatient/polyclinic units; 2nd level – inter-municipal center rendering specialized outpatient and inpatient medical aid; 1st level – specialized aid in oblast consultative-diagnostic centers.

Scientific novelty: the directions are shown for optimization of rendering medical services to the rural population of the region. Factors are classified, which determine the differences in medical services to the rural and urban population. An algorithm is elaborated of rendering medical aid to the patients from rural areas.

Practical significance: the algorithm of rendering medical aid to the patients from rural areas, proposed by the author, can be used in practice, thus giving the opportunity for medical aid to dwellers of small settlements.

Keywords :

 Medical personnel; Service; Medical service; medical aid; Healthcare; Health; Rural area; Remote regions

Bibliography :

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Citation :

 Korobkova O.K. Problems of improving medical services in the rural areas of the Russian regions, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, No. 1 (33), pp. 179–186.

Type of article : The scientific article

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