
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.2.81-86

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Authors :
1. Svetlana V. Poltorykhina, PhD (Economics), associate professor
Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Institute of economics, management and law (Kazan), Russia

Features of financial policy at the modern stage in the context of the russian economy modernization

Objective: to define the features of financial policy of the Russian Federation with the account of the main strategic goal of the modern Russian state – modernization of the Russian economy.
Methods: abstract-logical method, horizontal and vertical comparative analysis were used in the work.
Results: The modern financial policy of Russia are summarized and critically estimated. The factors are analyzed which determine the type of the modern financial policy, forms, methods and tools of its implementation. Special attention is paid to the estimation of the Russian budget policy at the modern stage. The chatacteristic features of its implementation are revealed.
Scientific novelty: Determining of the value of interconnection between the level of financial system development and the quality of economy modernization. The principles of state financial policy are revealed, its main aspects and priority directions.
The necessity to apply accounting when formingthe country’s financial policy at the modern stage of globalization, which is financial in its essence. Its influence limits the possibility to implement independent financial policy of the state and forces to view the influence of the world economy development, in particular, the world financial markets.
Practical value: Possibility to implement theproposed measures of economy modernization, taking into account the landmark efficient financial policy of the state.

Keywords :

financial policy; financialization; modernization; innovations, financial mechanism; financial tools; financial globalization; budget; budgeting; taxes; state and corporate debt; inter-budgetary transfers; customs duty; banking system

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article