
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.1.156-171

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Authors :
1. Guzel Isayevna Gumerova, Doctor of Economics, Professor
The Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO), Moscow, Russia

2. Elmira Shamilevna Shaimieva, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan), Russia

Model of high-tech businesses management under the trends of explicit and implicit knowledge markets: classification and business model

Objective: to define the notion of "high-tech business"; to elaborate classification of high-tech businesses; to elaborate the business model for high-tech business management.

Methods: general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical cognition.

Results: the research presents a business model of high-tech businesses management, basing on the trends of explicit and explicit knowledge market with the dominating implicit knowledge market; classification of high-tech businesses, taking into consideration the three types of economic activity; possibilities to manage high-tech business basing on its market cost, technological innovations costs and business indicators.

Scientific novelty: the interpretation of the notion of "high-tech business" has been renewed; the classification of high-tech businesses has been elaborated for the first time, allocating three groups of enterprises.

Practical value: theoretical significance – development of notional apparatus of high-tech business management; practical significance  – grounding of the necessity to manage enterprises under development of explicit and explicit knowledge markets in Russia, as a complex of capital and non-capital assets, with dominating indicators of "market value" and "life span of a company".

Keywords :

Management model; High-tech businesses; Explicit and implicit knowledge market; Classification of high-tech businesses; Business model; Knowledge market; Technological innovations; Strategy of innovative development

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Citation :

Gumerova G.I., Saimieva E.Sh. Model of high-tech businesses management under the trends of explicit and implicit knowledge markets: classification and business model, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, No. 1 (33), pp. 156–171.

Type of article : The scientific article

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