
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.1.134-140

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Authors :
1. Natalya Sergeyevna Grigoryeva, Post-graduate student
Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Research of opportunistic behavior in the market of non-standard products

Objective: to study the characteristic features of opportunistic behavior in the markets of complex products not subject to standardization (by the example of rendering services during construction-and-assembling operations).

Methods: analysis, synthesis, collection and description of empirical data.

Results: a significant amount of theoretical material has been analyzed; budgets of construction-and-assembling operations have been analyzed; normative documents have been studied. A poll of quantity surveyors, supervisors of construction-and-assembling operations, consumers of services and works have been carried out. The differences were revealed in the kinds of opportunistic behavior in the non-standard products markets compared to the standard products markets (the results of those surveys were presented in the earlier works by the author).

Scientific novelty: it has been shown that in case of individual elaboration of each project (due to the uniqueness of the result of economic activity as a single complex), the opportunistic behavior has such prerequisites as high costs for measurements and control of the quantity and quality of the rendered services and used materials, lack of professional competencies of the consumers in the sphere of activity of the producer.

Practical value: the key provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in the scientific and educational activity when viewing the issues of opportunistic revelations between economic subjects.

Keywords :

Opportunism; Opportunistic behavior; Transactional costs; Markets of non-standard products; Institutional structure; Construction; Economic activity; Economic sanctions

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Citation :

Grigoryeva N.S. Research of opportunistic behavior in the market of non-standard products, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, No. 1 (33), pp. 134–140.

Type of article : The scientific article

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