
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.06.2012.4.5-8

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Authors :
1. Veronika Viktorovna Vasina, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
Institute for Pedagogics and Psychology of Professional Education of the Russian Academy of Science, Kazan

2. Rashid Gusmanovich Khalitov, PhD (Psychology), Researcher
Institute for Pedagogics and Psychology of Professional Education of the Russian Academy of Science, Kazan

3. Ildar Masgudovich Yusupov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)

Possibility to change the ideas of corruption in the society

The authors present a model of psychosocial dissonance as a contradiction of ideas of interaction subjects (personalities, groups, societies) and arising psychological tension, which has two outcomes: development and destruction. Corruption is viewed from the point of view of the psychosocial dissonance model as a factor of changes in the life of the society.

Keywords :

psychosocial dissonance; corruption; contradiction of ideas; interaction subjects

Bibliography :

1. Khalitov R.G., Yusupov I.M. Korruptsiya s pozitsii psikhosotsial'nogo dissonansa (Corruption from the point of view of psychosocial dissonance), Aktual'nye problemy ekonomiki i prava, 2010, No. 4, pp. 147–149.
2. Prigozhin I., Stengers I. Poryadok iz khaosa. Novyi dialog cheloveka s prirodoi (Order out of chaos. New dialogue of a person with nature). Moscow, Progress, 1986.

Citation :