
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.07.2013.1.84-90

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Authors :
1. Il’giz I. Mingaleyev, PhD (History)
Institute of economics, management and law (Kazan), Russia

2. Al’bert I. Mukhamadeyev, PhD (History), associate professor
Kazan (Volga) federal university, Kazan, Russia

Russian historiography on the role of entrepreneurship in trade-production development of kazan in post-reform period

The article views the main stages and features of studying Kazan entrepreneurship in 1860-1890-s by Russian historians. The main attention is paid to the post-Soviet development of historiography. Various approaches to estimation of the role and significance of entrepreneurship activity are described in the context of the overall economic development of the city. Possible directions of further research are proposed.

Keywords :

Russian Empire; second half of the 19th c.; Kazan; tradesmen; economic development; Tatar entrepreneurship; post-Soviet historiography

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