
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.1.116-122

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Authors :
1. Polina I. Kuz’mina, post-graduate student
Irkutsk State University for Traffic Network, Irkutsk, Russia

Competitiveness of an enterprise’s business activity and factor determining it

Objective: to identify the necessity to introduce the concept of "competitiveness of business activity of an organization" in the services sector, to define the content of this concept and to analyze the main factors contributing to the competitiveness of business activity.

Method: abstract logic.

Results: basing on the evaluation of the views of the Russian and foreign authors, the necessity is proved of identifying such notion as "competitiveness of business activity of an organization" in relation to the services sector. The author's understanding of this concept is proposed, the main factors of competitiveness of the business activities of an organization in the services sector are revealed.

Scientific novelty: a new concept "competitive business activity of the organization" is introduced; the necessity to identify factors forming it is prov4ed, as well as the need to assess it; the logical relationship of the concepts of "competitiveness of business activity" and "economic security" is defined.

Practical value: the ability to improve the competitiveness of business activity in the services sector through a thorough analysis of its main determinants and their management.

Keywords :

competition; competitiveness; competitive factors; economic security

Bibliography :

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Citation :

Kuz’mina P. I. Competitiveness of an enterprise’s business activity and factor determining it, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 116–122.

Type of article : The scientific article

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