
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.1.66-71

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Authors :
1. Pavel N. Feshchenko, PhD (Law), Associate Professor, doctoral
Volga-Vyatka Institute (branch) of Moscow State Juridical University named after O. E. Kutafin, Kirov, Russia

Functioning of anti-corruption monitoring system: issues of quality improving

Objective: to study the concept and state of anticorruption monitoring and to develop measures to improve its effectiveness.

Methods: dialectical method of cognition, which allows to study phenomena and processes occurring in society in their historical development, interrelationship and interdependence, as well as general scientific, special and private law methods based on it.

Results: The analysis is carried out of concepts and state of anti-corruption monitoring in Russia as an actrivity of tracing the corruption characteristics and impact of anti-corruption measures; it is found that today there are no legislated criteria for assessing the negative effects of corruption on the state and society; indicators are proposed and justified of corruption and anti-corruption activities in the form of complex "damage", where growth of social tension is an essential component.

Scientific novelty: The introduction of a quality evaluation index of corruption is proposed in the form of a comprehensive "damage": the amount of the imposed and unpaid penalties for corruption offenses, damaging the government authority, the growth of emigration, the facts of lynching, etc.; reasonability of social tension assessment is proved as the complex indicator of the population discontent with policy, including in the field of anti-corruption struggle. It is proposed to criminalize the offenses leading to a substantial increase in social tension and committing crimes.

Practical value: the research results make up for the existing gap in the assessment criteria for corruption and effectiveness of countermeasures by establishing a uniform approach in this area, which will increase the liability for the acts leading to a substantial increase in social tension, and can also be used in legislative and educational activities in law educational institutions.

Keywords :

corruption, anti-corruption monitoring; causes of crime; social tension4 crime and corruption prevention

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Citation :

Feshchenko P. N. Functioning of anti-corruption monitoring system: issues of quality improving, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 66–71.

Type of article : The scientific article

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