
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.3.120-127

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Authors :
1. Zarina Kamilevna Kondratenko, PhD (Law), Associate Professor
Mari El State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

Constitutional foundations of the property rights of citizens and organizations for real estate

Objective: to develop a comprehensive scientific conception of the constitutional foundations of the property rights of citizens and organizations for real estate.

Methods: general and specific scientific methods, including formal logical methods (hypothesis, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction). The special methods included historical, legal-technical, interdisciplinary, comparative-legal, systemic and other methods of scientific cognition.

Results: first, the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not contain detailed regulation of property relations, as they are regulated by the branches of Civil law. Therefore, as certain property disputes affect substantial property interests of physical and juridical persons which are not under the protection of property rights in the traditional sense, there is a need for a broad interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Russian Constitution. However, the mixing of proprietary and contractual rights in this case does not occur.
Second, the Russian Civil Code, reproducing and specifying the constitutional provisions as principles of private law, form a direct normative basis of the whole civil law. However, the constitutional law attributes a broader meaning to the notions of property and property right than the traditional civil law.
Third, the possible limitations of the Federal law of the rights of ownership, use and disposition of property, as well as freedom of entrepreneurship and freedom of contract, must meet the requirements of justice, to be adequate, proportionate, be of general and abstract character, be not retroactive and not affect the essence of constitutional rights, i.e. not limit the scope and application of the substantive content of the relevant constitutional norms.The possibility of such limitations and their nature must be determinedby the need to protect the significant values – the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and lawful interests of other persons, provision of national defense and state security.

Scientific novelty: the article presents the study of the Russian constitutional court and the European court on human rights practices, relatedto the issues of property rights of citizens and organizations on real estate. The author discusses the legal positions of the above judicial bodies in order to identify the legal challenges and gaps in the Russian legislation, as well as to identify the areas for improvement of the civil legislation.

Practical significance: the research results can be used for the purposes of law-making to improve the standards of domestic constitutional and civil law. Certain provisions may be usedin judicial practice for the consideration and resolution of cases. Research proposals may also find application in the preparation of curricula, textbooks and teaching courses on "Civil law", "Land law", "Proprietary rights for real estate".

Keywords :

Property right; Objects of real estate; The Constitution; The Convention on protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; Court practice of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation; Freedom of contract; Property; Ownership; Private property

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Citation :

Kondratenko Z.K. Constitutional foundations of the property rights of citizens and organizations for real estate, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, No. 3, pp. 120–127.

Type of article : The scientific article

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