
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.3.45-54

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Authors :
1. Dmitriy Viktorovich Manushin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of Financial Management Chair
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)

Estimation of the anti-crisis plan of the russian government for 2015 and measures for its improvement

Objective: to identify weaknesses in the anti-crisis plan, approved by the RF government’s resolution No. 98-R dated 27 January 2015, and to propose measures for their elimination.

Method: abstract-logical.

Results: the author has evaluated the plan of priority measures for the economy sustainable development and social stability for 2015, summarized the experts’ views of the situation in the economy in 2014-2015, and showed the poor reasoning of the anti-crisis measures proposed by the Russian Federation government. The measures to improve this plan were developed: 1) instead of supporting banks, the state should directly subsidize or issue grants to selected small and medium businesses through the relevant departments of the Ministry of Economy; 2) instead of reducing interest rates on loans, to provide organizations with an opportunity to receive subsidies covering a part of the cost of acquired equipment; 3) to encourage the upgrading of the companies’ equipment on terms similar to those of garbage trucks, but with a larger allocation of funds; 4) the government should regulate prices formedicine on the basis of the current market situation for each of them, and not to establish a single percentage for all of them; 5) to temporarily reduce the taxes not accrued in the federal, but not the regional, budget. For example, for 10 years to include organizations, engaged in the import substitution program, in the list of entities that pay VAT at the rate of 10%; 6) to set the range for medium businesses income from 800 million to 20 billion rubles; reduce VAT for small businesses up to 6%, and for medium businesses up to 12%; 7) to extinguish family businesses by setting marginal income of 5 million rubles per year, and the number of employees to 5 people, with two-fold tax cuts; 8) to select measures, implementation of which requires special attention to institutional factors.

Scientific novelty: the main issues and options are defined for correction of the plan of priority measures for the economy sustainable development and social stability in 2015.

Practical significance: the application of the proposed measures will improve anti-crisis management in the Russian macroeconomy.

Keywords :

periods of explicit crisis in Russia, with emphasis on 2014-2015; anti-crisis management; public management; anti-crisis measures; anti-crisis plans for 2015; problems of the Russian economy; sanctions; second "cold war"

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Citation :

Manushin D.V. Estimation of the anti-crisis plan of the russian government for 2015 and measures for its improvement, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, No. 3, pp. 45–54.

Type of article : The scientific article

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