
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.09.2015.4.50-59

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Authors :
1. Leonid A. Zhigun, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Russian University for Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia

2. Elena M. Feoktistova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Russian University for Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia

Discourse on corruption counteraction in network trade

Objective: to determine the specific forms of corruption and promising methods to counteract corruption in network trade.

Methods: the combination of inductive observations, comparisons, generalizations, facts and trends of corruption in network trade with a logical analytical deduction of economic theories and the corruption concept are the basis of the study and provide an opportunity, on the one hand, to assess the level of compliance of theoretical concepts of corruption with the practice and, on the other hand,  to determine their applicability to organize opposition and create conditions to prevent its occurrence; to summarize the features of corruption in the form of a kickback, the discourse method was applied in this work.

Results: on the basis of theoretical provisions and facts of corruption in trade, it is proved that it has typical characteristics of corruption in commercial and non-profit organizations. The key reasons are identified why corruption occurs in trade. Among them, supply of poor quality goods at inflated prices, leading to bribery in the form of «personal bonus» to administrator of the trading organization when selling goods by an unscrupulous supplier, and also supply goods to the trade organizations, which will not buy without kickback. Most of these corrupt deals are carried out by natural monopolies in the form of state and municipal procurement. In some cases, the kickback is the argument, stimulating the decision to introduce new and advanced technologies. The factors that lead to corruption in trade are listed, and reasonable methods to counteract it are grounded, allowing to create conditions for its eradication in other branches of business as well.

Scientific novelty: for the first time a generalization has been made about the deficit as the driving force in the mechanism, when the bribe-givers and bribe-takers change places.

Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in the research of specific forms of corruption and in the developing methods of combating corruption both in trade and in other business areas.

Keywords :

corruption; network trade; bribe; bribery; kickback; sales; supply; purchase; entering the network

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Citation :

Zhigun L. A., Feoktistova E. M. Discourse on corruption counteraction in network trade // Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2015, no. 4, pp. 50–59.

Type of article : The scientific article

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