
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.15.2021.2.197-214

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Authors :
1. Rustem M. Nureev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Scientific Director of the Department of Economics; Chief Researcher
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Petr A. Orekhovsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head Sector of the Philosophy and methodology of economic science, Chief Researcher
Institute Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Discussion around productive forces (Political economy of socialism: cognitive deadlock of the 1970-s)

Objective: to check the hypothesis of the existence of a cognitive deadlock in the socialist political economy in the USSR in the 1970s, which led to stagnation in political and economic research.
Methods: discursive analysis, dialectics, hermeneutics, qualitative methods.
Results: the content and role of the categories “objectification”, “reification”, “dependence”, “freedom” in the political economy of socialism are revealed. The author analyzes the views of Soviet theorists on the economic evaluation of factors of production, including labor (wages), fixed assets (depreciation), land (rent), and demonstrates the contradictions and “blind spots” of the socialist political economy. In particular, the article describes the paradoxical “fallout” of the problem of depreciation of housing stock and intra-block engineering networks from the discussion of fixed assets depreciation, as well as the issue of productive forces in general. In retrospect, the analysis revealed the predominant influence of the cognitive structure limitations compared to the ideological control. The development of economic science in the USSR was constrained by the norms of speech practices, which imposed restrictions on the discussion of fundamental problems, including “alienation” and “freedom”. Compared to these restrictions, the external ideological control of the Communist party was relatively weak, which, in particular, is proved by the publication of works by E. V. Ilyenkov, V. P. Shkredov and other researchers. The cognitive structure of the socialist political economy caused blind spots, when most of the important problems related to the productive forces were not publicly discussed. At the same time, the issues (freedom, dependence, alienation) directly related to Karl Marx legacy were also largely not discussed.
Scientific novelty: the influence of the cognitive structure and its limitations on the development of the socialist political economy is demonstrated.
Practical significance: a retrospective analysis allows both a deeper understanding of the reasons that led to the economic collapse of the USSR, and seeing the possible cognitive limitations of modern research, which largely inherited the approaches of Soviet scholars.

Keywords :
Economic theory; Productive forces; Socialism; Discourse analysis; Object of labor; Reification; Dependence; Free individuality; Wages; Depreciation; Housing stock; Rent

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Citation :
Nureev R. M., Orekhovsky P. A. Discussion around productive forces (political economy of socialism: cognitive deadlock of the 1970-s) // Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 197–214 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.15.2021.2.197-214

Type of article : The scientific article

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