
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.14.2020.3.428-442

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Authors :
1. Andrey A. Yakovlev, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Emperor Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University

2. Anatoliy V. Yakovlev, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
Military Academy of Communications named after the USSR Marshal S. M. Budenniy

Systems of the quality management of goods-monetary exchange processes. Alternative approach

Objective: to demonstrate alternative solutions to the problem of ensuring the quality of goods and services, taking into account the interests of all participants in the process of commodity and money exchange, to outline the main directions for building a quality management system based on the use of the existing scientific developments in the field of economic theory and the theory of quality management as an integral element of economics.
Methods: the research is based on a systematic approach, as well as the basic provisions of the theory of new institutional economics (neoinstitutionalism), which expands the microeconomic analysis, involving factors that are not taken into account by theclassical microeconomic theory, in particular, transaction costs.
Results: the study established a direct connection between the target function of the main economic agents interacting during the commodity-money exchange and the characteristic of the exchange object quality, expressed in the form of total costs (transformational and transactional); the role of unilateral account of transformation costs in the formation of opportunistic behavior of the manufacturer is determined and, as a consequence, the need for mandatory accounting of transaction costs in the formation of analytical concepts of the theory of quality management. The possibility is shown of applying an isomorphic, adequate model of the balance of interests of participants in commodity-money exchange, based on the theory of energy dynamics.
Scientific novelty: for the first time, the work substantiates the existence of a direct connection between the target function of the main economic agents functioning and the commodity-monetary exchange with the characteristics of the exchange object quality.
Practical significance: using the results obtained in the course of research, a manager may design a quality management system focused on meeting the needs of all participants in the commodity exchange.

Keywords :
Economics and national economy management; Quality management; New institutional economy; Neoinstitutionalism; System approach; Transformational costs; Transaction costs; Opportunism in behavior; Liberal-market model of economic development; Generalized Gresham’s law; Model of “income circulation”

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Citation :
Yakovlev A. A., Yakovlev A. V. Systems of the quality management of goods-monetary exchange processes. Alternative approach, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2020, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 428–442 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.14.2020.3.428-442

Type of article : The scientific article

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