
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.14.2020.1.201-208

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Authors :
1. Marina A. Efremova, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal-Legal Disciplines
Kazan branch of the Russian State University for Justice

Review of the monograph “Begishev I. R., Bikeev I. I. Crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation. Kazan: Poznaniye Publishers, 2020, 300 p.”

Objective: to conduct a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the monograph by I. R. Begishev and I. I. Bikeev devoted to the study of a wide range of issues related to liability for crimes in the field of digital information circulation.

Methods: the methodological basis of the study is a set of general and specific scientific methods of cognition traditional for works in Law.

Results: the main provisions, conclusions and the authors’ suggestions set out in the reviewed monograph are analyzed, which are related to the legal nature of crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation and regulation of criminal liability for their commission. In particular, the basic definitions of digital information concepts, crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation and other terms are formulated for various branches of knowledge; the problems of “safe computer attack” are considered; based on the authors’ interpretation of crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation, suggestions are made for improving Articles 137, 138, 141, 159.6, 183, 226.1, 272, 273, 274, 274.1 272.1 of the Russian Criminal Code, and complementing Article 272.1 “Acquisition or sale of legally protected digital information, knowingly obtained by criminal means" and Article 273.1 “Illegal circulation of special technical means intended for violation of digital information protection systems”.

Scientific novelty: theoretical and applied aspects of countering crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation are evaluated. It is concluded that the monograph makes a significant contribution to the development of the Russian legal doctrine on the legal regulation of responsibility for committing socially dangerous acts in the sphere of digital information circulation.

Practical significance: the reviewer concluded that the monograph by I. R. Begishev and I. I. Bikeyev has a practice-oriented character, and can also serve as an impetus for a new scientific discussion on the problems identified in the study.

Keywords :

Crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation; Crimes in the sphere of computer information; Illegal turnover of special technical means intended for secret obtaining of information; Fraud in the sphere of computer information; Illegal access to computer information; Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs; Violation of the rules of operation of means of storage, processing or transmission of computer information and informationtelecommunication networks; Illegal influence on the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation; Computer crimes; Counteracting crimes in the field of computer information; Security of critical information infrastructure; Digital information; Digital technologies; Digital infrastructure; Digital economy; Crimes; Criminal law; Criminology

Bibliography :

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Citation :

Efremova M. A. Review of the monograph “Begishev I. R., Bikeev I. I. Crimes in the sphere of digital information circulation. Kazan: Poznaniye Publishers, 2020, 300 p.”, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2020, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 201–208 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.14.2020.1.201-208

Type of article : The scientific article

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