
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.4.1646-1660

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Authors :
1. Anna A. Glukhova, PhD (Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Criminology
Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

2. Dmitriy A. Shpilev, Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of CriminologyAffairs; Professor of the Chair of General Sociology and Social Work
Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs; Nizhniy Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevskiy

Features of organization and functioning of web-sites on AUE , their role in developing sociopathic and unlawful attitudes in adolescents and youth

Objective: to identify and describe the main topics discussed by moderators and visitors of sites dedicated to the topic of AUE1 in “Vkontakte” social network, to classify the techniques used by moderators to reduce the level of critical perception of the information offered to adolescents.


Methods: dialectical approach to the cognition of social phenomena, allowing to analyze them in the historical development and functioning in the context of a set of objective and subjective factors, which determined the choice of the following research methods: formal-logical, comparative-legal, sociological methods.

Results: using intent-analysis of more than six thousand extracts from the sites dedicated to AUE in “Vkontakte” social network, the author identified five main methods used by the moderators: 1) substitution of traditional values with the criminal world ideology; 2) promotion of sociopathic attitudes; 3) forcing the user to register on the site; 4) promotion of aggressive behavior; 5) development of persistent ironic, negative attitude towards representatives of the law-enforcement system. With the help of content analysis, ten main themes (plots) presented on AUE sites are identified: 1) the value of wealth and health (one’s own and relatives’); 2) promotion of a healthy lifestyle; 3) gratitude to parents, God, people around; 4) life path, fate, forgiveness; 5) love, loyalty and hatred; 6) honor and dignity; 7) combating, struggling for the first place in life and one’s values; 8) relationship between sexual behavior, love and money; 9) life choices and mistakes; 10) criminal customs.

Scientific novelty: for the first time, the article considers the role of moderators of groups and sites devoted to the subject of AUE, describes the main methods of their work, allowing to form clear sociopathic, anti-legal attitudes among visitors of sites, to change the system of values; the main topics are listed and analyzed that are repeated in almost all groups and sites with stable correlations.

Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific, pedagogical and lawenforcement activities when considering and studying the issues related to the improvement of the crime prevention system.

Keywords :

Criminal law and criminology; AUE; Social network; Website; Content analysis; Intent analysis; Moderator; Internet; Vkontakte; Subculture; Extremism; Ideology; Police; Crime

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Citation :

Glukhova A. A., Shpilev D. A. Features of organization and functioning of web-sites on AUE , their role in developing sociopathic and unlawful attitudes in adolescents and youth, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2019, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1646–1660 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.4.1646-1660

Type of article : The scientific article

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