
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.2.1202-1214

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Authors :
1. Alina A. Shakirova, post-graduate student of the Department of Finance Management; Researcher of the Laboratory of the issues of state management of the system of physical culture and sports
Kazan Innovative University named after B. G. Timiryasov (IEML); Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports

2. Timur V. Kramin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice Rector on Corporate Management, Director of Scientific-Research Institute for the Issues of Social-economic Development, Head of the Department of Finance Management; Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of the issues of state management of the system of physical culture and sports, Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports
Kazan Innovative University named after B. G. Timiryasov (IEML); Federal Research Center for Physical Culture and Sports

Impact of crime on economic development of the Russian regions

Objective: to analyze the impact of crime as a social capital measure on economic growth in the regions and municipalities of the Russian Federation.

Methods: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis; econometric modeling.

Results: the paper reviews the literature on the relationship between social capital and crime rate, as well as the impact of crime on economic growth The bonding social capital may generate groups competing for the public goods, which leads to a zero or negative impact of social capital. It also presents an analysis of the impact of crime rate as measures of negative social capital on the economic growth of the Russian Federation regions, including municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The number of registered crimes served as a measure of social capital. The assessment of such an element of social capital as norms through the number of crimes, the level of crime and other indicators is one of the generally recognized approaches. The analysis was carried out using an extended regression model based on the Cobb–Douglas production function. Social capital, measured by the number of reported crimes, was included as an additional factor in the model. It is scientifically proved that crime in foreign countries affects economic development and economic growth. The econometric modeling carried out in this article proves the existence of this relationship at the regional and municipal level in Russia.

Scientific novelty: at present, the impact of norms as an element of social capital on the regional economic development is little studied. In this study, based on the approaches of economic and mathematical modeling, the influence of such an element of social capital as the norms, measured by the number of crimes on the gross regional product of the Russian Federation subjects and the gross territorial product of the Republic of Tatarstan municipalities for 2008–2016, is proved.

Practical significance: the findings of the study can be applied in the activities of regional and municipal authorities forming the regional or municipal policy in the Russian Federation.

Keywords :

norms; social capital; crime; economic growth; economic and mathematical modeling; Cobb–Douglas model; regression model

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Citation :

Shakirova A. A., Kramin T. V. Impact of crime on economic development of the Russian regions, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2019, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 1202–1214 (in Russ.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.13.2019.2.1202-1214

Type of article : The scientific article

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