
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.3.161-174

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Authors :
1. Gorazd Meško, Ph.D., is Professor of Criminology and Head of the Institute of Criminal Justice and Security at of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
University of Maribor, Slovenia

A reflection on selected fear of crime factors in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Objective: to analysis the fear of crime factors according to the research carried out in 2009 in Ljubljana (Slovenia).


Methods: dialectic, systemic, comparison, observation.

Results: the analysis shows that the level of fear of crime has not changed significantly over the last two decades. The latest survey from 2009 implies that the influence of perceived probability of victimization in an emotional reaction is strongest among those who believe that consequences of victimization can be severe, and their own ability to defend from an assailant is low. Analyses have shown that the fear of crime is strongest in women and the elderly. Personal experiences with crime do not result in an increase in perceived probability of victimization, or influence fear of crime, nor do they affect the anticipation of seriousness of the potential consequences of victimization. The article contributes to reflections on fear of crime based on a literature and research review as well as utilization of new models of testing fear of crime factors.


Scientific novelty: the research shows that the used model of fear of crime explains more variance (R2 = .54) than other models used prior to this study (Slovenia, 2001, R² = .43; Croatia, 2002, R² = .43; Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2002, R² = .45) and imply some new findings and confirm findings from the previous surveys. The findings imply that the respondents in Ljubljana relate fear of crime to the impacts of different crimes on their lives. However, research did not confirm that the level of fear of individual crimes is proportional to their severity. It was found out that respondents feel the most threatened by robbery followed by assault.

Practical significance: the article provides insight for crime control and prevention and will be useful for scientific and educational staff, policy makers, graduate and post-graduate students and all those interested in crime control and prevention.

Keywords :

Criminal law and criminology; Fear of crime; Factors; Slovenia; Ljubljana

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Citation :

Russian version: Meško G. A Reflection on Selected Fear of Crime Factors in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2016, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 161–174. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.3.161-174

Type of article : The scientific article

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