
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.3.39-54

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Authors :
1. Valeriy V. Shlychkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory
Kazan National Research University named after A. N. Tupolev

2. Ilgam K. Kiyamov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair “Industrial Heat Energy Sector”
Almetyevsk State Oil Institute

3. Sergey M. Kulish, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Chair of Management
Kazan State Energy University

4. Diana R. Nestulaeva, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Chair of Management
Kazan State Energy University

5. Igor G. Alafuzov, PhD (Economics), Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Journal “Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology”

On some aspects of implementing the “manual control” by the bodies of the Russian state-municipal power

Objective: to determine the content and structure of the concept of "manual control"; to analyze the motives, legal framework, legitimacy, forms and methods of "manual procedures" in management of state-municipal authorities of the Russian Federation; to determine the ratio of the "system" and "manual" methods in the Russian managerial practice, and to assess the impact of these methods on the socio-economic life of the modern Russian society.

Methods: the common research methods were used: descriptive method, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization, observation, forecasting, scientific abstraction, statistical analysis, system analysis, and methods of grouping and classification, methods of comparative historical and interdisciplinary analysis, expert judgment. The combination of these methods allowed the authors to ensure the accuracy of the conducted research and the validity of its conclusions.

Results: the authors formulated their own version of the "manual control" concept; revealed the reasons, conditions and motives of its application by the Russian bodies of state-municipal power; described the most common methods of its application, as well as the factors of the increased number of refusal to use the system procedures in contemporary practice of public management. The proposed conclusions are based on the analysis of the existing practice of the use of "manual control" by the federal public authorities, public authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan and Moscow in the resolving the problems of the deceived shareholders and in regulating the processes of reconstruction and development of Kazan and Moscow in 2015–2016.

Scientific novelty: considering the practice of the Russian state and municipal governance, the authors focus on the applied methods and procedures for its implementation, such as the creation of parallel management structures, the transition to the direct guidance regime, etc. Basing on the analysis of practical activities of bodies of the Russian Federation subjects, the authors revealed the ratio of the "manual” and “system” procedures in the administrative process, formulates the definition of "manual control", described the conditions and motives of its application, and concluded that the main reason for using and increasing the practice of "manual control" is the imperfection and inconsistency of the existing Russian legislation, which, on the one hand, does not fully reflect fundamental socio-economic changes what took place in Russia over the past decade and is not always able to adequately regulate the newly established relations between the subject and the object in the practice of public administration.

Practical significance: as a result of their research, the authors predict the possible consequences of the emerging trend of increasing the practice of "manual control" of state-municipal authorities both medium- and long-term.

Keywords :

Economics and economic management; "Manual" control; System management; Subject of management; Object of management; Balance of the direct and reverse links; Authorities; Direct guidance; Direct interaction of structures; Types of municipal management; Analysis of the "manual control" practice

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Citation :

Shlychkov V. V., Kiyamov I. K., Kulish S. M., Nestulaeva D.R., Alafuzov I. G. On some aspects of implementing the “manual control” by the bodies of the Russian state-municipal power, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2016, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 39–54. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21202/1993-047X.10.2016.3.39-54

Type of article : The scientific article

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