
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.4.257-259

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Authors :
1. V. P. Malkov, Doctor of Law, Professor
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)

On the date of naming of federal law

The article considers the issue ambiguously solved in the educational and scientific literature, forensic practice, and regulatory activities: that of the date of naming of federal constitutional law, federal law, as well as the need to bring the federal law #5-fz of June 14, 2004 in conformity with the Russian constitution.


Keywords :

 federal law, the date of naming, federal constitutional law

Bibliography :

1. Энциклопедия уголовного права. Т.2. Уголовный закон / изд. проф. Малинина. – СПб., 2005. – С. 81.
2. Полный курс уголовного права: в 5 т. Т.1. Преступление и наказание / под ред. проф. А.И. Коробеева. – СПб.: Изд-во Р. Асланова «Юридический центр Пресс», 2008. – С. 197.

Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article

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