
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.4.245-251

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Authors :
1. А. А. Kushner, Assistant Lecturer
Astrakhan State Technical University

Optimization of the production program for medical cork manufacturers using mathematical programming and simulation methods

For the companies that manufacture medical cork, one of the key elements of effective action is the optimal management of production program. Specificity of planning the production program of these enterprises, which is associated with both internal and market factors, determines the need for special tools for solving problems of production program management. In this paper we propose a technique that is necessary for optimal control of the production program of medical cork manufacturers in the face of uncertainty and the requirements to maximize the effect of the activity.


Keywords :

 production program, medical cork, planning, optimization, mathematical programming, simulation, Monte Carlo method

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