
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.4.194-202

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Authors :
1. O. Yu. Michurina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor
Astrakhan State Technical University

The action of cyclic model of the integration process in the industrial networks formation in the shipbuilding industry

In the shipbuilding industry of the Astrakhan region is clearly seen the development of industrial network organizations, ranging from «soft» integrated horizontal forms of interaction and ending with «hard» integrated vertical structures. Analysis of the evolution of industrial networks in shipbuilding of the Astrakhan region confirms the concept of cyclicity of the integration process, which has continuous character. New more advanced integrated structures appear in place of old or outdated forms, or forms that need improvement of intranet relationships as a result of legislative changes, geopolitical factors, competitive environment, etc.


Keywords :

 integration process, industrial networks, network organizations, cyclic model of the integration process, the evolution of networks, types of networks

Bibliography :

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article

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