
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.3.175-178

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Authors :
1. E. P. Kopteva, Associate Professor
State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Ulyanovsk State University»

Modern approach to classification of the principles of organizing the enterprise’s financial relations

The article vies the issues of classification of the principles of organizing the enterprise’s financial relations, which is topical, as it is these principles that the financial management system should be based on. The article presents the author’s approach to this classification, defining four groups of principles, namely, the principles reflecting the features of the enterprise’s financial relations, the principles ensuring the integration of financial relations into the management system, the principles ensuring the organization of the financial management process, and the principles ensuring the efficiency of financial management at the enterprise. Realization of the mentioned principles would allow the enterprise’s financial management system to function efficiently.


Keywords :

 finance management, financial relations, financial management, enterprise’s management, system of the enterprise’s financial management

Bibliography :

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article

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