
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.3.103-106

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Authors :
1. E. R. Kiyamova, post-graduate student
Kazan State Institute for Finance and Economics

Effective interaction between regional authorities and business as the most important condition of state-private partnership development

One of the most perspective mechanisms for solving the problem of budget investments deficiency into Russian regions infrastructure is a state-private partnership (further SPP). This work states the main problems preventing the realization of the investment projects based on SPP principles of regional authorities and private business. The author proves that the efficiency of the system of business and state connection will become apparent when the state approach changes and it takes business owners’ wishes into account. The ways of «dialogue statement» and setting of just «rules of play» between the projects participants are proposed.


Keywords :

 state-private partnership, direct investment funds, project grounds, regional SPP centres

Bibliography :

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Type of article : The scientific article

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