
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.05.2011.3.34-36

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Authors :
1. L. N. Samatova, Lecturer of I category
Kazan Banking School

Issues of state regulation of intellectual property under the innovative development of economy

The characteristic features of economic growth nowadays are the intellectualization of the main production factors and innovative development.
The system analysis of organizational-legal and economic problems of economic relations regulation in the sphere of intellectual property and the suggested measures for their solving under the country’s economy innovative development are of great practical interest and value.
The article investigates the issues of state regulation of economic relations in the sphere of intellectual property under the conditions of the country’s innovative development, as well as the ways of their prompt solving.


Keywords :

state, intellectual property, problems, innovations, innovation economy, scientific potential, state regulation

Bibliography :

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Citation :
Type of article : The scientific article

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