
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.4.242-248

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Authors :
1. Valeriy V. Bogatyryov, Doctor of Law, Professor
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia

Place and role of international activity of federation subjects under modern conditions

Objective: to prove the objective character of broadening the international activity of federation subjects and the absence of their international legal personality.

Methods: the research is carried out with general scientific and juridical methods, used integrally, including the systemic, corporate, technical-juridical methods.

Results: broadening the international activity is an objective and naturally determined phenomenon. However, the international legal personality cannot be attributed to federation subjects, as it contradicts to the main feature of a state – the state sovereignty. Actually, even the elements of international legal personality attributed to a part of state leads to elimination of the state's activity and disintegration.

Scientific novelty: the author has analyzed the factors broadening and deepening the role of the international activity of federation subjects under the modern conditions. Having viewed the modern approach to the “state sovereignty” notion, the author concludes that the federation subjects cannot enjoy international legal personality (which is proved on the examples of Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation).

Practical value: the author proves that it is impossible and harmful to limit the international activity of the federation subjects, but proves that they cannot possess the international legal personality. This may harm the recognition of the position of federations and federation subjects in international activity and increases the centrifugal forces which destroy states. The article grounds the necessity to improve relations between federal and subject authorities by means of treaty relations.

Keywords :

International activity; Federation subject; Sovereignty; Globalization; Regionalization; International legal personality; Democratization of political regimes; Legal regulation; Federal Republic of Germany; Russian Federation

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Citation :

Bogatyryov V.V. Place and role of international activity of federation subjects under modern conditions, Actual Problems of Economics and Law, 2014, No. 4 (32), pp. 242–248.

Type of article : The scientific article

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