
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.3.165-170

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Authors :
1. Aleksandr V. Tarakanov, PhD (Law), Associate Professor
Institute for State Administration (Moscow), Russia

The oretical-legal aspect of state service in the Russian Federation subjects

Objective: to define the oretical-legal aspect of state service in the Russian Federation subjects.

Methods: cognitive approach to cognition of the essence of state service.

Results: Basing on the analysis of normative-legal acts, the basic sense of the legal aspect of state service is studied; the key positions of efficient service functioning are viewed, as well as the summarized requirements to the state authorities’ apparatus.

Scientific novelty: the article for the first time proposes solutions of the following tasks: implementation of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation and its subjects; ensuring national security taking into account the interests of the regions, state sovereignty, economic independence, spiritual-moral identity of nations; legal regulation of activity based on special legislation as a unity of legal norms, rules and procedures, concerning the relations connected with state service organization.

Practical value: The main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and educational activity when viewing issues of the essence and trends of Constitutional Law development.

Keywords :

state service; Russian Federation subjects; legal institution; functioning of the state apparatus; implementation of legal norms

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