
Actual Problems of
Economics and Law




DOI: 10.21202/1993-047X.08.2014.3.126-130

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Authors :
1. Albina S. Panova, PhD (Law), Associate Professor
Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan), Russia

On the concept and characteristics of long-term contract

Objective: to explore the concept and importance of long-term contract in the country’s economy.

Methods: the dialectical method of cognition, systematic and logical methods, method of analysis and synthesis.

Results: The study of the legal nature of long-term contracts was carried out, the general direction of development of the Civil code of the Russian Federation was determined concerning regulating the issues related to long-term supply contracts.

Scientific novelty: The conclusions of the legal nature of long-term contract were made, the possibilities of long-term contract for the development of modern national economy were revealed, the recommendations on the amending the Russian Civil code with norms on a long term contract.

Practical value: The obtained results can be used for carrying out economic and legal research relating to economic development and entrepreneurship in the economic practice of long-term contracts, and for reading courses in the disciplines of "Civil law", "Business law", "Commercial law".

Keywords :

long-term contract; delivery of goods; the actual performance of obligation; cooperation of the parties; quality of products (goods).

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